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How to Play The Scandinavian Defense In Chess

The Scandinavian Defense can be characterized by utilizing the chess opening move of:

  1. e4 d5.

The chess set idea: Black starts by challenging the center right from his first move, using the Queen pawn. The best move for White now is to take this pawn. Black can then choose between:

  1. To immediately take it back using the Queen – or
  2. To attack it using the Knight.

The Scandinavian Defense is usually played mostly by amateur players, while master level players would rarely consider this.

The Scandinavian Defense itself can be divided into three major variations. The outcome of course depends on what options black uses.

[+] The Modern Variation

This will appear on the board after making the following moves:

  1. e4 d5
  2. exd5 Nf6

The Modern Variation is based around a cautious chess set idea. So instead of taking on d5 and exposing the Queen right at the start of the game, Black will attack the pawn with his Knight, and therefore delaying its capture.

The idea behind this ploy is to capture the pawn with the Knight in the near future. Since it would take White far too much time and sacrifice in the development of this in order to protect it.

[+] The Gubinsky-Melts Defense

The Gubinsky-Melts Defense of the Scandinavian Defense will appear on the board after making the following moves.

  1. e4 d5
  2. exd5 Qxd5
  3. Nc3 Qd6

The main idea behind this strategy is to keep the pressure on the d-file with the Queen. This is the opposite to what happens in the Mieses-Kotrč Variation, where the Queen leaves this file.

[+] Main line: Mieses-Kotrc Variation

The Main Line of the Scandinavian Defense (Mieses-Kotrč Variation) will come into play after the following moves have been made on the board:

  1. e4 d5
  2. exd5 Qxd5
  3. Nc3 Qa5

The main line of the Scandinavian Defense is, as its name implies, could be the most popular played variation with this opening.

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About the Author: Master Po

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